"A Pure Moorish Islamic Community to Inform, Educate & Uplift"

"If thy brother is in adversity, assist him; if thy sister is in trouble, forsake her not." (Holy Koran of The MSTofA)

Station of Hope / Healing Communities of Georgia
Healing Communities of Georgia is a diverse network of nonprofits, state agencies, and faith-based organizations across the state actively implementing Healing Communities principles within your community. The mission of the network is to restore returning citizens, their families, and victims of crime by facilitating needed healing from the destructive effects of crime and incarceration.
The healing occurs within individuals through mercy, forgiveness and facilitating the restoration of right relationships. Healing also occurs through justice, by collectively informing decision makers of policy adjustments needed to create a more just and effective corrections system.
The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928 has been actively involved with various outreach programs. Now as an offical Station of Hope we welcomed the opportunity to further aid marginalized communities and its returning citizens.
We Welcome All State & Federal Correctional Institutions to Contact as about inmate led Moorish Islamic services:
Moorish Publication (Bulk Orders) made via our online store moorishislamicstore.com
Request for M.S.Tof.A Religious Services Volunteers / Contractors
Request to have our Moorish Islamic Store Catalog sent to your Institution
Request a copy of our Campsite Study Group manual explaining our faith of Islam as taught by our Prophet Dew Ali, a brief history of The Moorish Science Temple and how Moorish Islamic services are to be conducted in a prison environment.
We will help in understanding the various Moorish Temple Groups and who is LegitimateUnderstanding Our Religious Practices and Religious Days of ObservancesWe process payments over the phone.
We accept Checks, Money Orders & Purchase Orders only for non-book orders. We welcome the opportunity to assist in providing support and services to inmates, let us know how we can best assist you at your institution.
Please Note: No charters are given to any prisons by Moorish Science Temple of America. No inmate lead services can lawfully operate within any prison environment functioning under the guidelines of our Prophet & Founder Drew Ali. This is why we established "Campsite Study Groups" which receives direct guidance via our outreach program.

Istitutional Community Agenda Rebuilding Empowering
We are a full circle interfaith community based incentive program that extends support in a variety of ways to men and women who are presently incarcerated within a State or Federal Correctional Institution.​ We also provide support to the families of inmates as a way of mending broken wires.
We invite you to join, support and get involved with our grassroots back to basics community outreach program (ICARE)